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Make a committment to yourself.

It’s rare for anyone to get an hour to work on their nutrition and goals with a trained professional. As a Health Coach, I create a supportive environment that will enable you to achieve all of your health goals. I have studied 100+ dietary theories and use practical lifestyle coaching methods to guide you in discovering which approach works best for you.

take control of



No one diet works for everyone. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Contact me for a free consult!


Your Greatest Self.


I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.





Together we’ll work to reach your health goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing food cravings, increasing sleep, and maximizing energy. As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.


Here are some concepts that we will explore during our work together:


Bio-individuality™: The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has unique food and lifestyle needs. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets tend to fail in the long run. Working on the principle of bio-individuality, I’ll support you to make positive changes that are based on your unique needs, lifestyle, preferences, and ancestral background. I use a personalized, holistic approach to ensure that you will have great success!


Primary Food™: It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. It’s not just the food we eat, but all of the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity and a spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When these “primary foods” are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. I will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.


Integrative Nutrition™ Plate: The Integrative Nutrition Plate emphasizes the importance of local and organic produce, whole grains, high-quality proteins, plant-based fats, and water. It shows you how a plate should appear at mealtime and emphasizes the importance of proportions and portion size. To complete the picture, the plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that create optimal health: relationship, career, physical activity and spirituality. I’ll introduce you to some of the healthiest foods on the planet and teach you how to find what’s healthiest for your unique body!



Client Testimonial - When I started the program, I was feeling very shut down.  I was feeling very lost and disconnected from myself and the world.  Rebecca's approach enabled me to open up and reconnect with myself.  Her questions, feedback, and recommendations were always on-point with my current experience and challenges.  Regularly scheduled visits got me back in the habit of setting aside 'me time', something I had wanted to do but hadn't been able to manage or prioritize. I found through the course of the program and from following her suggestions, including reading material, writing assignments, and meditations, that I was able to reconnect with feelings and experiences.  Along the way, Rebecca provided the positive reinforcement, encouragement, and validation that I required.  When I started the program, I felt unable to be expressive, or to envision a future for myself or what I wanted past getting through the next 24 hours. Now, though there is still work to do, I feel I have support to plan again into the future, listen to my intuition and my body, and permission to feel and express again.  I recommend her program to anyone looking for customized, personal, and holistic support.   - Kim


Rebecca in New York City's Central Park

stop talking



Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? Celiac maybe?  Or Lupus? Colitis?  Do you still have painful or annoying symptoms, despite medication and following the advice your doctor has given you? Are you confused, or wondering if diet has anything to do with it?  Does your doctor ever have time to really sit down and talk to you?  Probably not.  That's where I come in!  


I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and I understand your pain and frustrations with autoimmunity!  I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2009 at age 42 after suffering with undiagnosed pain and digestive problems since childhood.  I also had Grave's disease (hyperthyroid), and psoriasis. Two years after the celiac disagnosis, despite what I thought was a healthy gluten free diet, I still struggled with some other symptoms. Blood work showed I had markers for at least half a dozen more auto-immune diseases, including Lupus and Sjogren's Syndrome.  And then...duh duh duuuuhhh!  Yep, early menopause!  I guess my body was going for a hat trick!

When I was diagnosed with celiac, I did not mourn the loss of bread and pasta, I rejoiced in finally understanding a lifetime of pain and the knowledge of how to fix it! In the years since, I have tweaked my free from gluten diet (see what I did there?) and found what works for me and I feel fantastic!  I am more healthy now at 48 than I was at 17!  People often cannot guess my age.  


Before I started my training with IIN, I was already helping friends and neighbours who struggled with weight issues, diabetes, brain fog, and one or two who had noticed my successes, and just wanted to figure out how to eat good foods that would help them build more muscle and lift heavy things!  (not my thing...but hey, we're all about bio-individuality around here!).  Then I found out people actually do this for a living!  Now I'm IIN!


I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I learned more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.


Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.


Are you curious about how health coaching can help you? Let’s talk. Schedule a free consultation with me today.



Your workshop last night was awesome! Such a bounty of info you are! 


Rebecca's knowledge is great especially if you have any auto-immune disorders. Thanks Becca for the questions I needed answered - Chelly

Hey Rebecca, Thanks for the awesome girls' night in on Saturday. I'm loving the lip balm and hand cream already, and the resources you included in your talk. I look forward to more! Peace, Sharon







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